Jul 10, 2006, 12:48 PM // 12:48
The Greatest
Join Date: Feb 2006
Profession: W/
Solo Mineral Springs [W/Mo]
This build is built to kill Avicara, Pinesouls, and Tundra Giants.
10 Healing Prayers
11+1+2 Swordsmanship
10+2 Strength
Duelists Helm, Ascalon/Knights Boots/Gauntles, Rest Gladiators.
Zealous Hilt
15^50 OR 15/Stance OR 15/Enchanted
Defence Pommel
[Note: You will be taking both physical AND elemental damage, so defence pommel is best]
Vigorous Spirit
Final Thrust
Dolyak Signet
Healing Hands {E}
Balthazars Spirit
Live Vicariously
While fighting avicara, take out the braves first. Always have your enchantments, dolyak sig and flurry up. Use final thrust when you can. I'm not sure if you can kill Ardents. Against Guiles, cast vig spirit, let him strip it then cast it again. If theres a Wise and it uses Intepetitude, dont attack until its over.
Try to pull them away fromt heir traps, then use same strategy as avicara.
Tundra Giants
Dolyak Signet is a must here. Once you killed a giant, try using healing hands and walking towards the next one. You will get knocked down, and theres a chance you will get a deep wound.
I havent tested this against azure shadows, or ice imps yet.
Drops arent great here. This build is for more of a challenge. Possible drops are:
Gold, Runes, Half Moons, Ball Hammers, Long Swords, Tanned Hide, etc.
Well, thats my build. Please remember that this build is slow, and its hard for newb farmers. Thanks